
Sunday, March 31, 2024

Preparing for Padmasana - Class 2

Preparing for Padmasana - Class 2

Youtube link:

Class 2 - Preparing for Padmasana video

In the second class we explore opening up the hips, knees are pelvis to prepare for padmasana in seated, standing and lying variations.  Also important to note is attaining length to the spine and side body so the abdominal region is not compressed.

Some postures in this class are:
Janu sirsasana - head to knee pose
Baddha Konasana - bound angle pose
Ardha Uttanasana with a chair - half forward bend with a chair
Uttanasana to Adho Mukha Svanasana - forward bend to downward dog
Vrksasana - Tree pose
Supta Ardha Padmasana - reclined half lotus (with bolster)
Supta Padmasana - reclined lotus (with bolster)
Same poses with legs up the wall
Ardha Padmasana and Padmasana - seated half lotus and lotus
Svasana - Final relaxation

Take care following the class and pause as and when needed.
Check with your doctor if you are unsure about any postures.

Thank you,

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