
Sunday, March 24, 2024

Preparing for Padmasana - class 1

Padmasana or Lotus Pose is considered a great seated posture for pranayama and meditation.  In this posture the knees are bent and each foot is placed on the opposite thigh, at the root of the thigh.  

As B.K.S. Iyengar writes in Light on Yoga, "People not used to sitting on the floor seldom have flexible knees.  At the start they will feel excruciating pain around the knees.  By perseverance and continued practice the pain will gradually subside and they can then stay in the pose comfortably for a long time."

Many asana and sequences of asana can help prepare the knees, and body for padmasana, as well as the breath and mind to stay longer for pranayama and meditation.

I have put together a few videos that may help build to Padmasana.  

The first video incorporates postures that work on learning to bend at the top of the thigh, not at the waist.  Using a chair one can really find the root of the thigh and the extra height helps maintain and erect spine.  B.K.S. Iyengar mentions how the straight back helps to keep the mind attentive and alert.

Adding in Parvatasana (fingers interlaced and raised overhead) helps stretch and lengthen the back and create space in the chest and around the abdominal organs. 

A few standing postures are included to work on externally rotating the thigh bone in the hip socket, as well as create space around the back of the knee. 

Seated poses like Dandasana (staff pose) and Janu Sirsasana ( head to knee pose) also work these key areas around the hips, knees and spine.

Supta Baddha Konasana and a reclined version of Ardha Padmansa (half lotus), also called Bhadrasana are included before Savasana.  

Here is the first video:

Preparing for Padmasana - Class 1

Please take care and always stop when you need to.  Build up slowly, with care and confidence.

Thank you,


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