
Friday, January 19, 2018

Day 49 & 50!!! One Hundred Days of Celebrating BKS Iyengar

Wow!  I can't believe we have reached Day 50 today!

To celebrate this day I chose the King Pose - Salamba Sirsasana - supported headstand.

Cheers to the next 50 days!  Please feel free to add any of your photos to the Facebook page.
One Hundred Days of Celebrating Iyengar or #100daysofiyengar.

Namaste. Have a great weekend!


DAy 49 & 50 - One Hundred Days of Celebrating BKS Iyengar
Day 49 - Bhardvajasana 1 & 2 - Seated Twist
Day 50 - Salamba Sirsasana - Supported Headstand and variations



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