
Friday, December 29, 2017

Day 27 - 29 - One Hundred Days of Celebrating BKS Iyengar

Day 27 - 29 - One Hundred Days of Celebrating BKS Iyengar 
I have been away a bit over the holidays so sorry to consolidate a few days into the one post. 
I have been posting daily on Facebook and Instagram. You can check me out there @plnyoga
Day 27
Vasistasana - side arm balance pose
A few variations warming up with the chair, using the chair to keep the hip lifting up and feet into the wall for support. 

My warm up to side arm balance - Vasistasana

A few variations

Day 28
Pandangustasana and Padahastasana

 Day 29
Parsva Utthita Hasta Padangustasana


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