
Friday, November 18, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 50

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Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 50

Wow!  So now as I look back on the last 50 days it was actually a bit of a challenge to fit in writing this blog everyday. It has made me "practice" my yoga a little differently some days too which is what yoga is about.  The practice on the mat to prepare you for life off the mat.

Even though I have owned this book for years I am amazed at what I learned or re-learned reading it again and I'm sure I will continue to for many years to come.

In an article written by Prashant Iyengar titled "Guruji's mind on Light on Yoga", he writes that Guruji never took pride in Light on Yoga.  He says the whole world took pride on it and called it the Bible of Yoga.  But, Guruji never even quoted from Light on Yoga or took pride in it.

Prashant also writes that, "Light on Yoga was not written for his students. It was written for outsiders who did not have teachers.  That is why he said that a good book is better then a bad teacher."

For this I am grateful as I have not been fortunate enough to study with Mr. Iyengar over many years like the senior teachers have.  I have gained insights from many wonderful teachers over the years and will continue to as this is invaluable, but living in Northern Saskatchewan away from my senior teachers this book has been a wonderful resource and reference.

Learning more about Mr. Iyengar's journey to write Light on Yoga also inspires me to be a better student of yoga, not just master the final pose in the picture.

So, once again I give great gratitude to Mr. Iyengar and how he shared his knowledge of yoga over his lifetime with the world. Also, to his family as they have contributed greatly and continue to keep the teachings alive. 

Happy 50th Anniversary!

Pamela Nelson

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