
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 45

Image result for chakras

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 45

Bandhas, Nadis and Chakras
After the Hints and Cautions for Pranayama were given Mr. Iyengar writes more about the bandhas and includes information also about nadis and chakras.
Bandhas are described as a bondage or joining together and a posture in which certain organs or parts of the body are contracted and controlled.
Nadi is a tubular channel in the body through which energy flows and chakra means wheel or circle and in the body act like fly-wheels to help channel the energy.
Image result for nadi yoga
The main three bandhas that are important for pranayama are: Jalandhara bandha, uddiyana bandha and mula bandha.
Image result for bandhas
Mr. Iyengar recommends that a yogi master Jalandhara bandha first.  Jala is a net or web, like a mesh. In this bandha the neck and throat are contracted and the chin rests on the notch between the collar-bones and top of breast bone. In this position the flow of blood and prana to the heart, glands neck, head and brain is regulated.  Pranayama done without the chin lock will leave one feeling pressure in the heart, behind the eyes, in the ears or even dizzy.  It is essential to learn for the inhalation, exhalation and retention of the breath.
Today if you practice Sarvangasana or halasana, notice how the chin lock is employed in this pose. So even before you may feel you are formally learning pranayama you are learning elements of it from the asana. 
Day 46 will explore what Mr. Iyengar writes about Uddiyana bandha and Mula bandha in Light on Yoga.
Pamela Nelson

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