
Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 40

Tribute to Guruji and Light on Yoga - Day 40

Course Two - Week 31st to 35th
Today I went to try the first week of Course Two.  It was fun, inspiring and definitely hard mentally and physically.

Here are a few comments in Yoga Rahasya on "What the readers write", in regards to Light on Yoga.

The article starts off by first saying they found over 12,000 online reviews on just one website!  That is amazing and shows how much Mr. Iyengar's book has influenced many yoga students over the years.

One person wrote," There's absolutely no mumbo-jumbo in this book, it reflects the life-experience of a marvellously analytical, modern scientific mind exploring the ancient wisdoms about the human body and mind."

and another which sums up the book to me - "Everyday I learn from this book."

Pamela Nelson

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