
Sunday, October 9, 2016

Light on Yoga - Day 10

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Tribute to Guriji and Light on Yoga - Day 10

Paths of Yoga - Marga (path)

Karma Marga, Bhakti Marga, Jnana Marga and Yoga Marga are the different paths one can take.
They all can led to the same end.

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Karma Marga - is where the active man "realizes his own divinity through work and duty."
Bhakti Marga - is where the emotional man's "realization comes from devotion and love of a personal God."
Jnana Marga - is where the intellectual man finds realization "through knowledge."
Yoga Marga - is where the meditative and reflective man "realises his own divinity through control of the mind."

Mr. Iyengar writes though that, " The path of Yoga is the fountain for the other three paths.  It brings calmness and tranquillity and prepares the mind for absolute unqualified self-surrender to God, in which all these four paths merge into one."

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Pamela Nelson

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