
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Restore from the core workshop in Saskatoon at JNS Yoga Studio

  • Restore from the Core

    A yoga workshop with Pam Nelson
    Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor
    Saturday March 5, 2016, 1:30 - 4:30 PM, $35
  • JNS Yoga Studio - Saskatoon, Sk.

  • Restore from the Core is designed to bring more internal awareness to the body, breath and mind through Pantanjali’s eight-limbs of yoga.  Yoga truly is more than postures because as B.K.S. Iyengar says “the body cannot be separated from the mind, nor can the mind be separated from the soul.”

  • Pamela is a member of the Iyengar Association of Canada (IYAC) and certified at the national level. 
    She began her formal training at JNS Yoga Studio so is very happy to be able to come and teach.
    She recently attained her Intermediate Junior 2 certification and regularly attends Iyengar yoga classes, workshops and intensives held by senior international IY teachers, including travelling to Pune, India to study with the Iyengar family in 2013 and has been accepted to return in 2017.
    She is dedicated to lifelong learning and committed to sharing her training and experience with students of yoga. Pamela teaches all level of classes including Beginner, All-levels, Intermediate, Iyengar Flow, Gentle/Restorative, Youth and Kids.  Her teaching style is clear, pragmatic and direct yet filled with gentle humor and joy.

  • Workshop Details

    JNS Yoga Studio
    96 - 33rd Street East
    Dates and Time:
    March 5, 2016   1:30 - 4:30 PM
    Registration Fees:   $35 plus GST
  • Registration

    Space is Limited for this Workshop.
    To register please contact JNS Yoga 
    Phone: 306-665-8133
    In person: 96 - 33rd Street East
  • If you check out the link below you can also register with Paypal at JNS Yoga website

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Pamela Nelson

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