
Friday, January 30, 2015

Book Review - Yoga for Breast Care

Yoga for Breast Care - What Every Women Needs to Know is written and illustrated by Bobby Clennell.

She has taught Iyengar Yoga for over 30 years and her and her husband have spent a lot of time at the RIYMI Institute in Pune studying under yoga master B.K.S. Iyengar.

I have read and often refer to her one of her other books, The Woman's Yoga Book.
This is a nice companion book as it, "discusses breast problems that can leave a woman feeling vulnerable."

The book is divided into five parts: About the Breasts, Breast Problems, Yoga Poses for Breast Care, Practicing Yoga and Everyday Breast Care.

As a woman, mother and yoga teacher myself I have found this information helpful in approaching other woman on this topic. From how posture, types of bras, food, etc. can effect breast health and how simple poses and lifestyle changes can improve our own self-care.

Visit for more information on her teaching schedule and other fine books.

Pamela Nelson
Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor

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