
Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Connect and Integrate

Today is day 2 at the Iyengar Yoga Centre in Victoria. 

A beautiful studio on the second floor of an old building just minutes from the downtown harbour. 
We did a 3 hour timed practice today. Hard, intense but great to be totally engrossed and out of my own head in a way. 
Key lessons:
Was the energy flowing or "leaking" out?
The importance of connecting and integrating in each pose for proper energy flow. 
All great things to keep in mind even off the mat. What things do we do that contains our energy correctly and what things just opens the gate for all our energy to leak away. 
Yoga helps so profoundly with that self awareness and self acceptance so that we can become more aware of these things and move towards healthy containment. 

Pamela Nelson

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