
Monday, June 2, 2014

Does Asana Evolve the Practitioner?

In Astadala Yogamala vol.7 Mr. Iyengar writes about asana.

Can asana evolve the practitioner?

He writes, "Bees go to drink the hidden nectar of the flower. The flower does not go to the bees asking them to suck its essence.  We, as bees, have to go to the asana to savour their essence. Asana do not come to us asking us to savour their flavor."

My interpretation of this is that we must go to yoga and do the work knowing that as we, "involve ourselves more in their practice, we evolve."

It is one thing to have all the yoga books and tapes sitting on a shelf beside us, but the knowledge they contain will not come to us.  Once we start to experiment and experience in our own bodies do we gain that subjective knowledge.

So, be like a bee and nourish yourself with the sweet nectar of yoga!

Pamela Nelson


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