
Friday, May 9, 2014

You are therefore I am. Reposted

This blog post is from way back in October, 2010.
It is copied in a little quote book I carry with me and I still feel great emotions when I read it now.
Inter connectedness=oneness

Below is one of my favorite passages from the book "You are, therefore I am" by Satish Kumar.  Whenever I reread it I am again reminded how everyone and everything is interconnected.

Breathing connects you with the world. You are sharing the same breath of life, the same air, with all humanity.  You are connected with everyone through this invisible medium.  You share the same breath with animals, plants, birds, fish - the entire universe.  How wonderful that we are all connected through our breathing.  Air knows no barriers, no boundaries, no distinctions, no separations.  By paying attention to your breathing your sense of separateness dissolves.

Pamela Nelson

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