
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Digestive System

We take food into our bodies for energy, to help us grow, repair tissues and keep us healthy.
It is a basic life requirement!
So the statement, you are what you eat, is very true.

The digestive track starts at the mouth and ends at the anus. It is very long, especially with the coiling of the small and large intestine. It can be up to 9 meters long!

So much goes on from the beginning where the food is taken in through the mouth. Digestive juices, saliva and enzymes that are secreted start to break down the complex foods.  The teeth and tongue help with this process.

From there the food goes down the esophagus to the stomach. The food is churned more and the stomach releases even more digestive juices.  Food needs to be broken down to be absorbed and used in the body as it makes its way down into the small and large intestine.

In this amazing process what remains is the waste. The body taking the most from the foods we eat to benefit the body.

So, we want our asana practice to help benefit this system as much as possible. This means keeping all the organs healthy so they can function at their optimal to help with this process.

Standing poses and forward bends help to stretch, tone and massage the abdomen bringing a fresh supply of blood with it.

Twists help the movement of digestion which again improves blood supply but also helps with waste removal.

Inversions are great to help with the venous blood return and gas release.

The calming and restorative aspects of yoga are also not to be forgotten. So much stress and anxiety is held in and around the organs which can lead to irritation and constipation that just the calming breath and meditation can be a great benefit.

Body, breath and mind in unison.

Pamela Nelson

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