
Saturday, November 9, 2013

What is the sum of your Practice?

While in India, Prashantji asked us a thought provoking question.

"What is the sum of your practice?"
Prashant said - We put monetary value on so many things, so what is the sum/value of your practice to you?
To me the word sum, means to add or accumulate. So one day may not have much value to you, that 5 minute yoga practice or hour one day, but what has it matured into over many days, months and years?
Really most things of any true value do not have a monetary amount you can attach to it. 

During this time of Remembrance, take a few moments to to ask yourself this important question.
Let the accumulation of all of our practices together create a world of peace and freedom in body, mind and breath!

Pamela Nelson


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