
Thursday, November 28, 2013

How Yoga Creates JOY in Life

Beware - Yoga can create JOY in your life.

It may not be the jump up and down excited kind of feeling, but there is a shift, a change that brings happiness and contentment, which is really all we really need in life. Contentment. That feeling of peace, calm and acceptance of ourselves.

For some this feeling may be quick, for others it may come more slowly, but the practice of yoga begins to purify and nourish the body.

Mr. Iyengar said in an interview with Dominique Umbert in 1994 that, "Yoga is like an inner bath. Blood gives us a bath inside the body." and to do this, "the blood has to circulate extremely well, and with a constant, even power or force."

He says with the practice of yoga we have to generate energy in our blood to nourish every part. Then the cells sense comfort and freedom, and send the message, "I am happy".

It is not the brain telling you this, but the body's own knowledge.

I hope you can find this true inner peace.

Pamela Nelson

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