
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Yog is for understanding the Kleshas

Prashant Iyengar writes in his new book, Fundamentals of Patnjali's Pholosophy (Theory of Klesha and Karma), that essential Yog is for understanding and Identifying Kleshas. He says that subsequently, the Kelshas are alienated, enfeebled and countered.

Yog is a battle against Kleshas and is a process of attenuating, weakening and destroying Kelshas.

Prashant states that, "What one does is not really Karma but why one does it is Karma."
Karma then is not merely the act or action.

We must develop a habit and attitude to ponder over one's Karma, asking questions like, "What was done?, "How was it done?", "When was it done?", "Why was it done?" and "Alternatively, how could it have been done?"

This is just a few points to ponder, as Prashant has written another wonderful book to help explain the Philosophy of Yog.

Pamela Nelson

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