
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Week two- RIYMI

I haven't posted for awhile as I had been making my way to the Iyenger institute in Pune, India. 
We arrived in Mumbai on June 25th where we spent a few days getting over jet lag and seeing some sights. Lots to take in. 
Arriving in Pune and to our apartment was great. Could finally empty my suitcase. 
First week of classes, practice and observing classes have gone so quickly. 
I came with three other teachers from Saskatchewan, so our days start and end with yoga and maybe a sutra study at the apartment too. 
Each class has about 100 plus people attending and we have been fortunate to be instructed by both Geeta and Prashant Iyengar. We see Guruji daily doing his own practice and still teaching his teachers at 94. So humbling and wonderful to be here. 
I will post more when I can. 

Pamela Nelson

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