
Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Mudra's are hand gestures that are a traditional part of the yoga practice from India.
In Indian culture these hand gestures are true signatures of the gods and saints.
Over many years mudras evolved into a complex and symbolic language that can be seen in both meditation and asana postures.
Some of the most common mudras are those used in meditation poses.
For example, the above picture is an example of JNANA MUDRA - or the knowledge gesture. The gesture represents the union of human and Divine consciousness.
This mudra is generally used to heighten concentration, but has also been said to help those who suffer from insomnia, mental illness and depression.
A common mudra used in asana practice is the ANJALI MUDRA, or adoration gesture, where the palms are placed together.  When raised overhead, this gesture is used to invoke and greet the gods.
When palms are lowered to the chest in Namaste, you are in position to "salute the Divine" in your peers, teachers and loved ones.
So, with our palms together and fingers extended, uniting the right and left hemispheres of the brain and centering the mind, we are now ready to greet or offer our yoga practice to the Divine and also greet the Divine in our friends and teachers.
Pamela Nelson

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