
Friday, January 18, 2013

Friends! Yoga Practitioners!

"Yoga is meant for everyone.  Nobody is excluded from it.  Whether they are men, women or children, elderly or aged people, diseased or disabled, the path of yoga is open to everyone.  However you have to practice according to your physical, mental and spiritual capacity.  Yoga is meant to give us a way to discover or rediscover ourselves.  It teaches us how to find the great margin of maximum capacity that we have inside us so that we are able to expose ourselves to ourselves and find out what we really are.  When I say that yo have to adapt according to your capacity, I meant that you have to find out the potentiality, or the potential energy, that you all have inside and how to bring it to the surface in order to utilise it properly.  Yoga exposes inner hidden potentialities."

-Dr. Geeta S. Iyengar

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