
Monday, December 31, 2012

What's Your New Year's Resolution? - Yoga Sadhana

As a New Year approaches, and New Year's Resolutions are on the horizon, one might consider starting or deepening a yoga practice or Sadhana as a goal for 2013. Not only is yoga a wonderful way to improve body structure and mobility, it also improves organ function, improves and boosts the nervous system, balances hormones, and calms the mind, to name a few things.

Mr. Iyengar writes that, "Sadhana is commonly translated as penance or austere practice. Sadhana is an effortful and effectual endeavour to reach a goal, no matter what impediments or obstacles come in the way.  It is a gradual transformation from effortful effort to effortless effort by minimising the physical effort and enhancing the quality of intelligence in observation and attention for its penetration in the sadhana for the sadhaka."

Patanjali writes in the Yoga Sutras that tapas (burning desire), svadhayaya (self-study), and Isvara pranidhana (devotion to God) are the three aspects of sadhana and the foundation of a yoga practice.

So although the yogic journey many be challenging, it is a worthwhile journey..helping to penetrate to the core and back to truly know ourselves.

What better resolution can there be then to learn more about ourselves, and as was mentioned at the AGM this past May, to become friends with ourselves before the body turns on us.

Happy New Year.
Pamela Nelson

I have blogged more about Sadhana in November 2011 if you wish to read that too.

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