
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sensology and Mind

"Like you know what your knees should do in Tadasana,
you should also know what your eyes should do,
what your ears should do."
-Prashant S. Iyengar
I have really started to enjoy reading the work of Prashant Iyengar, Mr. Iyengar's son.
The depth of thought he has, like his father..well, really helps to get me thinking.
Prashant writes, "As yoga is total action, we must know techniques of working on the joints, muscles, tendons, cartilages and we must also bother about the techniques of the senses.  You know what the knees should do but do, but what should the eyes do? You do not bother about them.  Are they not part of your physical body?"
So remember in your practice to know what your sense organs are also doing, so that something is not missing from your practice.
Pamela Nelson

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