
Friday, November 23, 2012

Meditation on the Breath

Here is a simple exercise you can do to help reduce stress just by focusing on the breath.

Sitting in a chair, sit up straight with feet hip width apart and ankles below the knees. Keep the sitting bones firm and spine lifting vertically up.

Gently close the eyes and begin to bring awareness to the breath, not changing the breath but just following the breath.

Bring attention to the sound of the breath flowing in and out.

Notice the places where the breath touches the inside of the nostrils as you inhale and the places it touches as you exhale.

Pay attention to the entire inhalation right up until it ends and the exhalation starts.  
Tune into the exact moment of transition.
Focus on the fine details of how the breath feels in your nostrils and listen to the sound it makes.
Notice if the in breath and the out breath are equally smooth and of similar length.

If you notice your attention has wavered, simply return your focus to the breath once again.

Stay with this practice for two to five minutes.

Begin to gently rub your palms together and place over the eyelids and gently wash the eyes and face.

Return the breath to normal and open the eyes.

-adapted from "Yoga  As  Medicine" , by Timothy McCall

Pamela Nelson

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