
Monday, July 16, 2012

July/August Book Review - Unjunk Your Junk Food

I am very excited because I have received the book  Unjunk Your Junk Food  from the creators of to take part in reviewing the book and blogging my thoughts.

Written by Andrea Donsky and Randy Boyer, the creators of with Lisa Tsakos, this little book is packed full of useful information about why we should be altering our junk food eating habits and how to go about doing that.
It is hard not to have a sweet tooth and craving once in awhile, so this book gives ways to still indulge once in awhile, and eat healthily.

The authors have taken the time to provide people with better options, not just saying don't have this, but giving the reasons and alternatives that taste similar to the unhealthy option.  It is not just about calorie counting - it's reading the ingredients, knowing what that means and the health risks involved in ingesting that item.
Laid out in a simple to read style, the book starts out giving the basics we need to know about carbs, fats (good and bad), fiber, vitamins and minerals, GMO's, sugars, sodium and food additives to name a few.  Then the other chapters break down foods into different categories, like dips and chips, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, granola bars and hard candy -  showing pictures of the unhealthy choice, why it is unhealthy and the more healthy option on the opposite page.  This layout is very good as it is so visual.  Even my kids are browsing the book and seeing the big X or big check mark on the photos.  It has gotten them asking even more questions about why I don't let them eat certain foods.  This book makes it easy to explain this to them and older kids can easily read information themselves.
The book even contains a cut out chart of the "WORST" ingredients.  This should make it even easier for shoppers to be on the look out for those ingredients that can be responsible for cancer, diabetes, heart disease and symptoms like skin rashes, diarrhea, hyperactivity that many might not relate to their diet.

We have tried for years to unjunk our food, but this book has been a great reminder to keep on this path and that there is alternatives.

The need to educate our children and those around us about all these harmful ingredients in what some call "food" is great.  The authors say that teens ingest the most sugars, so even more reasons this kind of information should be taught at a younger age.  I think the price of the items, will be one roadblock.  I'm sure the "Great Value" chips for example cost a fraction of the cost of the more healthy option. Kids, and most adults will go for what is cheap and on sale.  Therefore more reason to say a treat is meant to be just that - a treat. If only having once in awhile -not many times a day- spending a little extra will improve the lives of all.

For more information regarding Unjunk Your Junk Food visit the link below.
This book is also available for sale at Barnes & Noble, Amazon and other online retailers.

This link will lead you to the NaturallySavvy website. It is full of interesting information regarding your health and natural, organic and green living.

Happy and Healthy Reading!

Pamela Nelson

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