
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

2012 Fall Yoga Schedule

2012 Fall Yoga Schedule
This fall I will be teaching 12 classes a week between Christopher Lake & Prince Albert.

Join me also for my SUNDAY SERIES. This series will include three Sundays of Gentle Yoga and Meditation and three Sunday Flow Yoga Classes.

Register by August 28th, with payment, for any of the fall yoga classes at PLN Yoga Studio in Christopher Lake or Prince Albert and you will receive admission to a 2-hour seminar (value $47) absolutly FREE!

Seminar will be held Tuesday, September 18th from 6:30-8:30pm at PLN Yoga Studio.
Marian Pidwerbeski, Registered Nutritional Consulting Practitioner and Professional Cancer Coach, will be presenting 6 Steps to Managing Stress -- Naturally!
She will also be launching her new CD, Mind & Breath -- 17 Minutes to Deep Relaxation, and you will be the first to hear it! But you MUST register by August 28.

Mondays - Pam's Yoga Studio in Christopher Lake
AM YOGA - 9:30-11:00am
10weeks - Sept.10 -Nov.26 - $140
ALL Levels Yoga - 5:30-6:45 pm
12 weeks - Sept.10 –Dec. 10 - $156

Restorative Yoga - 7:00-8:00pm - 12 weeks
September 10th - December 10th, 2012 - $144
No Classes Monday Oct. 8& Nov. 12th

Tuesdays- PLN Yoga Studio - #3-3800 5th Ave. E., Prince Albert, Sk.
AM Yoga - 9:30-11:00am-8 weeks-$112
Oct.2 – Nov.27
Youth Yoga(7-11) -4:00-5:00pm -8 weeks - $72Oct.2 – Nov.27
Beginner/All Levels - 5:30-6:45pm - 12 weeks
September 11th - December 11th, 2012 - $156
Restorative Yoga -7:00-8:00pm - 12 weeks
September 11th - December 11th, 2012 - $144
*Special Presentation Sept.18th - 6:30-8:30pm
NO Classes Tuesday Oct.9th

Wednesdays- PLN Yoga Studio - #3-3800 5th Ave. E., Prince Albert, Sk.
Noon Yoga - 12:00-1:00pm -8 weeks-$96
Oct.3rd – Nov.28th
Teen Yoga(12-17) -4:00-5:00pm -8 weeks - $72
Oct.3 – Nov.28th
Intermediate Yoga - 5:30-7:00pm- 12 weeks
September 12th - December 12th, 2012 - $168
Beginner Yoga -7:15-8:15pm - 12 weeks
September 12th - December 12th, 2012 - $144
NO Class Wednesday Oct.10th and 31st

Saturdays- PLN Yoga Studio - #3-3800 5th Ave. E., Prince Albert, Sk.
AM Yoga- All Levels -10:00-11:30am - 11 weeks - Sept.15th - Dec.8th - $154
NO Classes Saturday Oct.20th and Nov.3rd
SUNDAY SERIES: 10-Noon - $25/class or $60 for any three in the Sunday Series
Gentle Yoga and Meditation Class – Following a relaxing and opening practice of yoga asanas with Pam, please join David Wieder for a brief introduction into meditation. We will explore how to set up and approach a daily practice to calm and focus the mind. In these beginner sessions, the first of two - shamatha, calm abiding, meditation techniques will be introduced. These methods have been practiced in some Eastern cultures for over 2500 years.
Dates:Oct.14, Nov.18 & Dec.9th
Sunday Flow Yoga- Follow your breath and deepen your practice with this invigorating class.
Dates:Sept.23, Oct.28 & Nov.25

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