
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June/July Pose of the Month - Viparita Karani

Viparita Karani - Legs up the Wall Pose
This pose is a restorative pose that helps improve circulation of the blood and hormones and relieves nervous exhaustion. 
There are a few ways to set up for Viparita Karani.  I have shown a few here. 
The first is to place a block at the wall, with a bolster in front of it on the mat.

 Then place one or more folded blankets on top.  This will depend on your height.

 Sit sideways on the bolster, with the right hip touching the wall.

 Begin to swivel the body around to bring the legs up the wall, keeping the buttock bones at the wall.

Let the shoulders and head come to the floor, with lower back on the bolster.  Gently roll the outer shoulders to the floor, palms facing up.  The chest puffing out, broaden the collarbones towards the outer shoulders. Relax the throat, soften the eyes. Keep the chest and abdomen relaxed. 

Press heels into the wall and keep the inner edge of the feet together.
Stay for 3-4 minutes and gradually increase the duration.
To come down, bend the knees and carefully roll to the side off or slide hips onto the floor and then roll to the side.

In the next variation, begin without any height first, but have 2-3 foam blocks close by to use under the hips.
 With sit bones at the wall begin to swivel the body around bringing the legs up the wall.

 With buttock bones at the wall, reach for the blocks.

 Place feet on the wall with knees bent.  Lift the hips and place the blocks one at at time about 2-3cm from the wall.

 Release down, support the lower back.  Let the outer legs roll in and press thigh bones towards the wall.  Relax the throat, broaden the collarbones to the outer shoulders, and roll the shoulders under.  Relax the arms and hands.

Here is another fun way to come into the pose...just roll into it..:)

Place top of head on the floor and hands at sides.

Lift hips and roll with control...

Landing in the pose...ENJOY..the feeling of JOY.

Helps regulate blood pressure, treat ear and eye ailments, stress headaches and migraines.
Also relieves indigestion and nausea and alleviates arthritis and cervical spondylosis. 
Helps also to prevent varicose veins.

Do not practice during menstruation, or if do keep hips on the floor.

Pamela Nelson

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