
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yoga - A Way to Maintain Peace

peace symbol

The article, Yoga-A Way to Maintain Peace, written by B.K.S. Iyengar, highlights many reasons why everyone should include yoga into their lives.  The stresses of daily life take its toll on the human condition creating physical and psycological disturbances - but yoga can help "keep and maintain a perfect balance and well being on physical, mental, emotional and psychological levels."

Mr.Iyengar writes, "yoga signifies unison of the three principles that constitute the human being.  They are the body, the consciousness and the individual self (jivatma).  The working of all three in concord leads to integration."

Based on perception, Mr.Iyengar writes that yoga is a factual subject.  "Yoga is an experimental and experiential art and science. "Where the postures work, combining physical action and insight, with balance, strength, and endurance - and then go further to explore "the inner depth of our being."
The asanas, or postures, "move joints and various muscles by supplying sufficient blood and charging and recharging them like a battery."

The practice of pranayama (breath control), is also needed to maintain peace.  Mr. Iyengar says that, "the breath that we draw in fuses the element of fire and water in our system, and produces a new energy known as bio-energy.  This is produced by elongating the inhalation and exhalation between pauses."

As one learns to control of the fluctuations of the mind, Pratyahara (the 5th limb of yoga), a sense of calm and compassion spreads through the being.

The way to this is not through excess, but Mr. Iyengar's message is clear:
1. Respect your capacity
2. Practice regularly
3. Create self-discipline
4. Begin where you are

Mr.Iyengar wisely states that, "Yoga will be a true friend and a great guide.  By yogic practice, a quiet peace settles in you from the core of your being to each part and parcel of our body and from each part of our body to the core of your being."  With this great wisdom comes peace.
Thank you Mr. Iyengar.

Pamela Nelson

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