
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"Sun"day Salutation class this Sunday at PLN Yoga Studio in Prince Albert.
Please call if interested in attending.  10-noon!

Sun” day Salutations

 Join me once a month for a two hour Sunday Yoga Practice. 

The classes will focus on the Sun Salutations - Surya Namaskar. 

This dynamic vinyasa (flow sequence) is a combination of postures moving together with the breath.  The class will focus on these poses and introduce a few other vinyasas.

Spring 2012 Dates:

April 29th, May 27th and June 24th

Classes will include:

Warm –up
Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) sequence with variations
Inverted and seated postures

Instructor:  Pamela Nelson, Certified Iyengar Yoga Instructor
Time: 10:00am-Noon
Location: PLN Yoga Studio - #3-3800 5th Ave. E., Prince Albert, Sk.
Cost:  $60 for the three Sundays or $25/class

 Pre – registration requested.  For more information or to register contact Pamela Nelson. 

T: 982-2737 or E:

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