
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Pose of the Month - Parsvottanasana

Parsvottanasana, which means intense/extended side stretch is a forward extension (paschima pratana sthiti). Forward extensions help to calm the mind and quiet the nervous system.

I have given a few variations of the pose beginning at the wall to get the idea of the concave back.  In each other variation coming to stage I, or concave back first is important as it helps to realign the spinal muscles correctly. Then, the abdomen softens so you can release over the front leg.

At the wall:
Facing the wall, with fingertips at wall, press left toes into wall and step back about 3-3.5 feet with the right leg.  The back toes angle out slightly from mid line, trying to align the front heel with the instep of the back foot. Square the hips to the wall by moving the back hip forward and the front hip back.  Keep the outer thighs rolling inward and lift the kneecaps up to engage the quadriceps muscles.  Tenting the fingertips at the wall, keep the shoulder blades drawing down the back.

On the exhalation, hinge forward from the hips and bring forearms to the wall, trying to keep elbows in line with the shoulder. Press into the wall with arms, moving shoulders down back and away from the ears.  Lengthen both sides of the torso evenly and keep the lowest floating ribs in.  Press firmly into both feet, activating the legs and balancing between both feet.
Inhale to come up. Step towards wall and repeat on other side.

With Blocks (or chair) for Hands:

First, begin in Tadasana - Mountain Pose (not shown), then step or jump the feet apart 3-3.5 feet into Utthita Hasta Padasana (shown above).  Feet are parallel, press evenly into big toe mounds, little toe mounds, and inner and outer heels.  Engage quadriceps, press thighbones back.  Lengthen up through sides of the torso and keep moving shoulders down the back.

Turn palms to face ceiling and keeping the arms straight reach arms up by ears.  Turn to the left and then press into both feet (shown above).  If to difficult to turn with arms raised overhead, then just keep hands on hips until turned. 
Front toes point forward and back foot angles out from mid line.  Square the hips to the short edge of mat by drawing front hip back at hip crease and moving back hip forward.  Legs firm by lifting kneecaps up to engage quadriceps, outer thighs rolling inwards and press evenly down into feet.  The side body lengthens up and shoulders move down the back. 

Exhaling, hinge forward at the hip crease bringing hands to blocks (or chair) so that back can stay concave. 
Exhale, keeping abdomen soft fold forward releasing forehead towards front shin, keeping centre of trunk over the centre of front thigh.  Hands may now release down to floor or by lowering the blocks. Make sure continue to move shoulders away from the ears.  Keep legs active and keep knees lifting up.  Be mindful not to hyper extend front knee.
Press feet into floor and inhale to come up. Turn back to centre and repeat on other side.

Hands in Paschima Namaskarasana:
In Tadasana, bring hands behind back, palms facing each other.

Turn fingertips towards back and slide hands up the back.  Keep shoulders moving down the back and press palms firmly together.

Step the feet about 3-3.5 feet apart.  Feet are parallel, press evenly into big toe mounds, little toe mounds, and inner and outer heels. Engage quadriceps, press thighbones back. Lengthen up through sides of the torso and keep moving shoulders down the back.

Turn to the left and then press into both feet (shown above). Front toes point forward and back foot angles out from midline. Square the hips to the short edge of mat by drawing front hip back at hip crease and moving back hip forward. Legs firm by lifting kneecaps up to engage quadriceps, outer thighs rolling inwards and press evenly down into feet.  Keep pressing into palms to help lift the front chest up and broaden the collarbones to the outer shoulders.

Exhaling bend forward to concave back - about 90 degrees.

Exhale, keeping abdomin soft fold forward releasing forhead towards front shin, keeping centre of trunk over the centre of front thigh.  Balance between the front and back foot and keep pressing into hands, shoulders moving down the back. 

Stretches and strengthens feet, legs and hips.  Opens shoulders and keeps mobility in neck, arm, shoulder, wrist, ankle, toe, knee, pelvis and spinal joints.  Calms the mind with head resting on shin or chair.  Helps correct position of spinal muscles.

Torn hamstring, sciatica or lower back injury.  Also if have high blood pressure just release down to concave back stage and keep back of head in line with spine.

Pamela Nelson

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