
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Virya - Vigour

In Light on Yoga, B.K.S. Iyengar defines virya as vigour, strength, virility and enthusiasm.  He writes that virya, this "unflagging enthusiasm", is needed to "remove the obstacle of laziness".  Virya helps to promote hope and courage to continue on the path of yoga and "overcome the inertia of the body and the mind."

Yoga is a discipline and should not be practiced in a convenient way, but in a way that every muscle, nerve, and gland in the body is exercised.  B.K.S. says that when we do not use the asanas as a bridge to unite the body with the mind and the mind with the soul then we are merely doing bhogasanas, or asanas of pleasure.

With the official start to spring just days away, let this help renew your enthusiasm to your yoga sadhana (practice).

Pamela Nelson

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