
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pancha Pranas - Cosmic bio-energy in the body

Prana is said to be the life force, vital energy or the breath.  There are actually five cosmic bio-energies in the body.

Prana- is the cosmic bio energy residing in the heart region and carries out the functions of that region.

Apana - is the cosmic bio energy of the hip and pelvic region and carries out the functions of the lower parts of the body.

Vyana- is the cosmic bio energy which is all pervasive in the body.

Udana - is the cosmic bio energy of the region above the nose and carries out the functions in the parts above it.

Samana - is the cosmic bio energy of the navel region and carries out the functions of the abdominal region.

A pose (asana) can be done with context to each of the pranas.
When apana centered, the pose emerges from the hips.
Samana centered, the pose emerges from the spine.
Prana centered, the pose emerges from the thoracic region.
Udana centered, the pose emerges from the brain-nose and face.
Vyana is found throughout the body.

Pamela Nelson

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