
Tuesday, January 24, 2012


The mind is the lord of the Indriyas (the organs of the senses);
the Prana (the Breath of Life) is the lord of the mind.

When the mind is absorbed it is called Moksa (final emancipation, liberation of the soul);
when Prana and Manas (the mind) have been absorbed, an undefinable joy ensues.

Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Chapter IV, Verses 29 and 30
From, "Light on Yoga", by B.K.S. Iyengar

The Indriyas or Dashendriyas are the ten senses comprising of the Karmendriyas and the Jnanendriyas.

Karmendriyas are:
-Hands (pani)
-Legs (pada)
-Mouth (vak)
-Generative organs (upastha)
-Excretory organs (payu)

Jnanendriyas are:
-Eyes (chakshu)
-Ears (shotra)
-Nose (ghrana)
-Tongue (jivvha)
-Skin (tvak)

Pranas - (as stated in January 15th blog) include:
-Prana (bio-energy of heart region)
-Apana (bio-energy of hip/pelvic region)
-Vyana (bio-energy that is all pervasive)
-Udana (bio-energy of nose region)
-Samana (bio-energy of abdominal region)

Pamela Nelson

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