
Friday, November 18, 2011

Svahishthana - Sacral chakra

The svadhishthana chakra is located in the lower abdomen between the navel and the periniem. Sva means self or soul and adhishthana is a dwelling place, seat or abode. This chakra is important to connecting in relationships and with family and deals with sexualtiy, emotions, and intimacy. Being realated to the element of water, where water connects us to life, this chakra plays a role in all the watery things about us and is associated with the hips, sacrum, lower back, genitals, womb, bladder and kidneys.
When this chakra is balanced one is trusting, expressive, honourable in relationships and more able to accept things as they happen then try to change or control everything.
For many though, the consciousness must first be purified of negative qualities. The picture above is a six petaled lotus representing the negative qualities of humans that must first be overcome before being balanced in this chakra. Those negative qualities are anger, hatred, jealousy, cruelty, desire and pride.

This chakra is related to the color orange.

Postures that help balance the svadhishthanan chakra are ones that gently open the hips, groins and pelvis. For meditation on this chakra, sit tall and place hands in lap, palms up, with right palm on top of the left. Touch the tips of the thumbs together gently. Chant the sound VAM as focus on the sacral area.

Pamela Nelson

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