
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Pose of the Month - Ardha Chandrasana

Ardha Chandrasana - Half-moon Pose
Ardha means half and Chandra is the moon.  I actually think the moon is a half moon as I write this!

I have shown a few variations of the pose starting from the full pose to a few variations using the wall, blocks or a chair.

Begin in Tadasana, inhale and on exhalation step or jump feet 4 feet apart (Utthita hasta padasana).
Either come into Utthita Trikonasana first and then step back foot in bring front hand to floor about one foot in front of standing leg foot.  Stay for a few breaths.
Then exhale and simultaneously straighten standing leg and lift up the top leg parallel to the floor.  Make sure the shoulders keep lifting up and drawing away from the ears.  Have the shoulders stacked as the top arm stretches up.  Look up to top hand if can or look forward for better balance or if have hypertension.  The weight is on the standing leg foot and hip.  Make sure the knee and foot is not turning inward. Keep the back of the head in line with the spine and heel of the top foot.
Hold for 20-30 seconds, then come back down reverse of how you went up. Repeat on other side.
Using the wall behind for support of the back body and a block for the hand:

Begin at the wall in Tadasana (mountain pose), the step the feet about 4 feet apart and take Utthita Trikonasana (triangle pose) with hand on a block.

Step the back foot in towards the front leg and bring the front hand onto the block about a foot in front of the standing leg.  Keep thigh, knee and shin of the front leg tracking so the knee does not turn in and the toes stay pointing towards the short end of the mat.
Exhale and simultaneously straighten the bottom leg and lift the top leg parallel to the floor.  Use the wall to press the heel into and the back of the top hand.  Keep the quadriceps engaged and the balance on the standing leg. The block is only for support and to help roll the top shoulder down the back, not to take the weight of the pose.  Look up to the top hand.
Stay for 20-30 seconds and then carefully come back down to triangle pose and then press up to standing and back to Tadasana.
Using the wall for support of the back foot:

Bring the short end of the mat to the wall and place a block to the outer side of the mat.
Bring the outer edge of the back foot to the wall and then step the front foot about 3-3.5 feet out from the wall with the front heel in line with the instep of the back foot.  Press the feet and lift the knees to the thighs and the thighs up to the hips.  Inhale, and exhale bending the front knee and bring the back foot in towards the front foot slightly and the hand to the block about a foot in front of the front foot.
Exhale and straighten the bottom leg and lift the top leg and press the foot into the wall keeping the leg parallel to the floor. Use the hand on the block to keep the side body lengthening evenly and draw the shoulder blades down the back.  Press into both feet evenly and use the wall to engage the muscles in the top leg.  Using that to bring intelligence to the cells of the top leg so when doing the pose without the wall that memory remains.  This also helps reduce stain in the pose so the abdomen, face and breath can be relaxed.
Using a chair to support the front arm:

Place a chair at one end of the mat, start in Tadasana (mountain pose), then step or jump the feet 4 feet apart.  Cut the back foot in slightly and rotate the front leg out 90 degrees right from the hip joint.
Bend the front knee, bring hand to chair and step the back foot in slightly.  As straighten the standing leg, raise the top leg parallel to the floor and bring forearm onto the chair.  Keep elbow directly under shoulder and help lift and lengthen the side body.  Press out through the heels.
Either keep the top arm at the side or lift up pointing fingers towards the ceiling.  Keep chest open and breath sooth.
Another variation that could be done is with the front arm on the chair AND the back foot at the wall.  Just adjust yourself closer to the wall to do this.

Helps strengthen legs and knees and brings mobility to the hip joints and shoulders.  Also tones lower spine and nerves connected to leg muscles helping to relieve sciatica. Helps relieve gastric troubles and increases circulation to the abdominal organs.  The front chest opens to help improve breathing.  A great pose for balance and coordination.  When done with support can help remove fatigue.

Do not practice unsupported if have knee or ankle issues, have a migraine or stress related headache or are menstruating.  If have hypertension do not look up - look straight ahead.

Pamela Nelson

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