
Monday, November 28, 2011

Anahata Chakra - Heart Chakra

Moving up from the base of the spine, the fourth chakra is the Heart Chakra or Anahata Chakra, where anahata means unstuck.  Associated with the color green, this chakra is located in the centre of the chest in the heart region of the spine.  It is the midway point of the bottom three chakras and the top three and so is said to play a role in balancing our survival needs with love and compassion for others, going from lower to higher awareness.  
Physically it is connected to the heart and circulatory system, the lungs, diaphragm, thymus gland, upper chest and back.
Balance of this chakra leads to a great feeling of love, trust, empathy and forgiveness for all.  
When out of balance one may experience breathing and circulatory problems as well as rounded shoulders and a collapsed chest which causes strain to the neck and shoulders. 
To open, gentle back bends over a bolster or blanket helps to stretch the muscles of the front chest and move the shoulders down the back.  A feeling of leading with the heart, and not the head, allows the mind to drop down and to choose love and compassion.
If this chakra is to open, one may have feelings of jealousy and possessiveness.  Here going inward with gentle forward bends is best.
To open the anahata chakra with chanting, sit with a erect spine and place the index finger and thumb together.  The left hand rests on the left knee and the right hand is placed to the lower part of the sternum.  With concentration on the heart chant the sound YAM.

Pamela Nelson

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