
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Peace Begins with You

 At peace....

When looking up the word peace in the dictionary, the various definitions are:
The absence of war or other hostilities, An agreement or a treaty to end hostilities, Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations, Public security and order and Inner contentment; serenity. 

What does peace mean to you? and How do we bring more peace into the world?

Peace should be felt at all times, during all situations, that is true peace. But to attain this level is of course much easier said then done.

 Mr.Iyengar writes regarding sutra III.12 in Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "At times, consciousness is thoughtfully silent but then it suddenly gushes out into vibrant activity.  In a split second, this activity may be controlled and balance regained.  This control requires effort, and effort involves time.  By skillful practice and depth of silence which at first appears only in glimpses, is made to permeate and fill the entire citta."

So again, it is through our practice that we can fill each cell with tranquillity and find the balance of relaxation (santi citta).

The Dalai Lama has also said, "We can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves."

is not a gap between times of fighting,
or a space where nothing is happening.

is something that
and needs to be looked after.

-From Peace Begins with You, by Katherine Scholes and Illustrated by Robert Ingpen

Santi. Peace.
Pamela Nelson

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