
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

October Book Review - Terry Fox - His Story - by Leslie Scrivener

Every September for the past 30 years people have taken up the run for a cure for cancer that Terry Fox was unable to complete himself.  I myself have participated in and organized many Terry Fox Run's over the years. I was living in Thunder Bay when he had to stop his run and remember thinking how brave he was to begin such a monumental task.  This type of courage inspires me deeply.
So, every September I like to re-read or watch various things about Terry Fox as a reminder that the will power of one can bring many together and to quote Terry, "Somewhere the hurting must stop".

Leslie Scrivener's book, Terry Fox - His Story, was first published in 1981, then again in 1983 and 2000 by The Terry Fox Foundation.  The first edition was written while Terry was still alive.  The new edition which I own, commemorated the 20th year of the Marathon of Hope, giving updates on how Terry's legacy lives on.
The book is written in chronological order and includes many wonderful pictures and excerpts from Terry's journal.  It is a book worth reading for so many reasons.  If you get the chance, I hope you enjoy and are inspired.

To end, from Terry Fox - His Story, he says, "I'm not doing the run to become rich or famous.  One of the problems with our world is that people are getting greedy and selfish."  "To me, being famous is not the idea of the run.  The only important part is that cancer can be beaten."

Those human qualities are so inspiring.  Let's pass them along.

Pamela Nelson

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