
Monday, October 24, 2011

Healthy and Healing Qualities of Consciousness

In Light on Life, by B.K.S. Iyengar, (and many of his other books), he writes how the eight petals of yoga are the cure for our "inherent flaws".  These eight petals again are yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi.  Wisely, he says that the knowledge of yoga is no substitute for practice of yoga and since the difficulties lie within ourselves, so do the solutions. 

Patanjali offers the Healthy and Healing Qualities of Consciousness or vrttis to help cultivate the mind and smooth the yogic path. 
Mr. Iyengar translates Patanjali's words as this.  "In order to achieve a serene consciousness, we have to be willing to change our behaviour and approach toward the external world.  This is for our own good."

So, what are these Healthy and Healting Qualities of Consciousness?

1. Maitri - or the cultivation of friendliness towards those who are happy
2. Karuna - the cultivation of compassion towards thoses who are in sorrow.
3. Mudita - Cultivation of joy toward those who are vitruous.
4. Upeksa - Cultivation of indifference or neutrality towards those who are full of vices.

Mr. Iyengar writes how these four  qualities may seem so simple, yet are more difficult to follow through on, but if we don't, we leak energy.  Yoga helps us to generate, contain and distribute our energy more usefully when practiced with care. Not let it shrink us with feelings of jealousy, envy and resentment.

Where to begin might be the next question?

Practice of the eight limbs of yoga.  If that feels overwhelming, begin with a breath.  The calmness and quietness brought to the mind and emotions during pranayama is to be remembered and transmitted into daily life and daily actions.

I have quoted this before and I have painted this quote to be read each and everytime I wash my dishes.  Which without a dishwasher is pretty often..:)

"Giving does not impoverish, and withholding does not enrich" - B.K.S. Iyengar

Pamela Nelson

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