
Monday, September 26, 2011

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Yesterday, some other yoga teachers and I met at my house to discuss the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.  We have been meeting for a few years now and the discussions (and food) is always interesting, thought provoking and helpful. Our yoga path is our own, but to be able to discuss and talk with others can lead to insights that one may not have reached on our own.

Yesterday we finished the last four or five sutras in Pada one (book one), Samadhi pada.  Here Patanjali discusses the many stages of samadhi (profound meditation). Although I am no where close to this last limb in the eight limb path, sutra 1.50 spoke to me.

Mr. Iyengar translates this in Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali as:

I.50  tajjah samskarah anyasamskara pratibandhi

A new life begins with this truth-bearing light. Previous impressions are left behind and new ones are prevented.

This idea that at some point in our dedicated practice we can reach a point where we are no longer bound by our past actions, past oscillations of the mind that impede real knowledge is very freeing.  It gives hope to me to continue on the yogic path.

In sutra I.51 Mr. Iyengar writes, "Nirbija samadhi is the conquest of the citta wherein the root mind is one with the seer.  As all invading thoughts are brought to an end by practice and detachment, the soul is freed from the shackles of earthly vehicles: the body, senses, mind, intelligence and consciousness.  The seer is in amanaskatva state"  There is no more feelings of "I", he says and we become one with the universe.

Pamela Nelson

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