
Monday, August 22, 2011

Mantra and Japa Yoga

The second chapter of Swami Sivananda Radha's book, Mantras, Words of Power, is called "Mantra and Japa Yoga".  Swami Radha discusses four types of Mantra Yoga,Vaikhari Japa, Upamsu Japa and Manasika Japa and Likhita Japa.

Vaikhari Japa is when the mantra is spoken out loud.  Upamsu Japa is when the mantra is hummed or whispered.  Manasika Japa is a mental repetition of a mantra and Likhita Japa is when a mantra is written.

It is through constant repetition of a mantra, with devotion and concentration, that one becomes like a magnet attracting the spiritual power of the mantra to oneself and becomes aware of the Self.

Mr. Iyengar writes about Japa also in Light on Pranayama, saying the purpose of mantra japa is to check and focus the disturbed mind upon a single point and is linked to a single thought.  He also states that it has to be done with sincerity, love and devotion, which develops the relationship between man and his Maker.

Mr.Iyengar says that Japa (the repetition of a mantra), is used to disengage the mind from idle talk, jealous ideas and tale-bearing, so that the mind turns towards thoughts about the soul and God.

Both Swami Radha and Mr.Iyengar write of the benefits of receiving a mantra from their Guru, saying that the power of the mantra increases after initiation.  Swami Radha says that by reciting the mantra you carry its force and power, and this will be a blessing for all those you meet.

Swami Radha ends the chapter saying that Mantra leads the Spirit, lost in trivialities and worldly pursuits, back to pure Essence.

Pamela Nelson

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