
Friday, August 5, 2011

Course of Study

In Geeta Iyengar's book, Yoga: A Gem for Women, she says that in practicing yoga the physical body, the sense organs, the emotions, the mind, and the consciousness are trained slowly and gradually.
It is important first to work on the body's anatomical structure of the body. Then build into the anatomical range of movement of the spine and body. This will lay the groundwork for the benefits to body and mind.
To work to quickly, or try to bypass any stages one may actually miss the truth yoga has to share with us.
In, Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, by BKS Iyengar, he explains in sutra I.14, that long, uninterrupted, alert practice is the firm foundation for restraining the fluctuations.

Enjoy yoga, even if the path is long.
Pamela Nelson

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