
Friday, July 22, 2011

Meaning of Hatha

Yoga, here in the West at least, is often thought of as a way to become more flexible. 
But, the word yoga means union, a union of the body, the mind and the breath.
With union comes flexibility must be balanced with stability...physically, mentally and spiritually.

Thus the meaning of Hatha yoga is where Ha represents the sun, the Self and tha represents the moon, the consciousness. Hatha is a balance of the Self and consciousness..a balance or union of the flow of solar and lunar energy in the human system.  Hatha is also pronounced more like HOT-hah, not HATH-ah.

In Astadala Yogamala, in the article "Yoga - A Universal Culture", by B.K.S. Iyengar, he says that "As the moon borrows energy from the sun, the consciousnes draws evergy from the Self.  If one realises this and works with that in the heart, then illumination shines forth."
Mr. Iyengar also defines Hatha yoga as "sighting the soul through the restraint of energy."

In the body there is said to be energy channels or nadis that run through it.  Along the spine is the axial channel called sushumna.  This channel is entwined by the ida and pingala nadis, the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. The ida nadi carries the lunar, cooling force on the left of the body axis and the pingala carries the solar, heating force on the right.  In Basic Guidelines for Teachers of Yoga, by B.K.S. Iyengar and Geeta Iyengar, they say that and the conquest of these is hatha yoga, standing for prana and apana, the energies in the human being.

Mr. Iyengar says in Astadala Yogamala, Vol. 7, Hatha yoga starts from physical (annamaya-kosa) and leads towards spiritual state (atmanandamaya kosa), cleansing the intermediate sheaths namely, pranamaya kosa, manomaya kosa, vijnamaya kosa and anandamaya kosa.

Pamela Nelson

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