
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sling into Action!

Have you ever heard of a yoga wall and wondered what this was?  Or never heard of it and are now picturing someone climbing a wall doing yoga.

Below are some pictures of a yoga wall being used with a yoga sling. 

The idea of the wall and sling is to help take pressure off parts that are maybe injured or not yet strong enough.  So it can have therapeutic benefits as it helps release the pressure of gravity on the spine, releasing tension placed on the nerves and opens joints helping with mobility.  The wall and sling also creates traction in standing poses, support in forward bends and weightless inversions. 

The benefits of the wall and sling can also help with alignment, so when one does the pose without props you will be able to feel what corrections need to be made. 

Yoga Sling hooked into yoga wall

Adho Mukha Svanasana
Traction helps lengthen spine and reduce pressure on wrists

Sling helps support body

Salamba Sirsasana
weightless inversion - no pressure on head/neck/shoulders

Adho Mukha Vrksasana
With support full pressure not felt on wrists and shoulders

Utthita Trikonasana
Sling and wall help create traction so can fully lengthen the sidebody

Utthita Parvottanasana

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana

Chataranga Dandasana
no pressure on wrists and shoulders

Urdhva Danurasana
Sling helps support back

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