
Friday, May 13, 2011

Prayer for our food

Stopping to consider where all the food we eat comes from and how it has been produced, transported and prepared is another way to practice astanga yoga.

Also, astanga yoga, the eight limbs can be practiced in the way we choose to use the energy from the food we eat.
We can choose ahimsa- non harming in our thoughts, words and deeds from this food or himsa, a harmful way of life.  We can choose aparigraha - non-greed in how we eat and consume or parigraha.  We can choose satya, truth or to be untruthful. 

Taking a few moments before a meal to be aware of all these things can be another way to bring yoga into your daily lives.
Sankalpa, means intention. We can set an intention to use the food we eat towards good instead of evil.

 I take this food,
to stop all evil,
to practice good,
and accomplish a peaceful way.

Pamela Nelson

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