
Monday, March 21, 2011

Celebrate Spring Equinox - Find Equanimity in your Body, Mind and Breath

According to most calendars Spring officially arrived March 20th.  This time of year marks the Vernal Equinox.  Having studied Geography these things always tend to interest me.  How the earth moves around the sun, the tilt of the earth on the axis, etc.  So the Vernal equinox marks the time of year when the day and night are each about 12 hours long, they are equal.  The sun crosses the celestial equator going northward, rising exactly due east and setting exactly due west.

This is a time to celebrate the beginning of new life and growth on the earth.  The earth renewing itself.  I know here in Saskatchewan we might be wondering if spring is really coming with all this snow, but I'm sure we have all noticed the increase in birds to the feeders, more little critters out to explore and the thoughts of what seeds to order. (although I am probably behind in this and should have ordered months ago!)

Take time to cherish this earth that is trying hard to provide us with so much, trying hard to compensate when we maybe have not been so kind in practicing aparigraha, non greed.

In your asana practice, celebrate the new energy spring brings but try to find equanimity in the pose.  The place for you where stability and mobility are equal.  The spot where the effort to perform the pose become effortless.  The place where your body, mind and breath are equal.

Pamela Nelson

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