
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Aims of Yoga

I read this line somewhere.  Sorry, can't place where at the moment, but it said:

"Yoga aims at attending to the blockages and obstructions in the system to improve function."

Yoga therapy is about 90% waste removal.  This is true not only in the physical sense, but also in the emotional sense. 
We often look at things as, "What can/will I get out of this?” instead of wondering, "What can/will I let go of?"
We cleanse ourselves physically with the yoga asanas and pranayama, and mentally with the yamas and niyamas.  We reach a new level of clarity both in body and mind.  As we learn to listen to ourselves we then are ready to let go of our negative tendencies and come into our true selves.

To quote George Eliot, "It's never too late to be what you might have been."

Pamela Nelson

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