
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

January - Pose of the Month - Utthita Parsvakonasana - Extended Side Angle Pose

Utthita Parsvakonasana - Extended Side Angle Pose

Begin in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with feet together or slightly apart and parallel to each other if you have back, hip or knee issues. 
Inhale and then jump or step your feet approximately 4-41/2 feet apart into Utthita Hasta Padasana.  The feet are parallel to each other and the arms are parallel to the floor.  Keep the shoulders rolling back and down away from the ears and the chest lifting.  Press evenly into both feet, centering the torso between the two legs.

Parsva Hasta Padasana - cut the back foot in about 15-30 degrees and rotate the right leg out 90 degrees.  The front heel is in line with the instep of the back foot.
Variation 1- On the exhalation bend the front knee to 90 degrees, angling the knee towards the pinkie toe.  Keep pressing into both feet and draw the front thigh bone deep into the hip socket.  Bring the front forearm onto the top of the front thigh, keeping the side body lengthening evenly.  Keep the chest open and roll the bottom ribs up towards the top ribs.  Raise the back arm up and over the ear, pointing the hand to where the ceiling and wall meet.  Look up past the top arm if you can.  Stay for a few breaths, then press into both feet and inhale to come up. Turn the feet back to the front and repeat on the other side.  Come back to Tadasana.

Variation 2 - Back foot at wall - Back view
Back foot at the wall - Front View - Bracing the back foot at the wall helps keep the back leg active and avoid overstretching or straining the abdominal organs.
Place the short edge of your mat at a wall.  Bring the outer edge of your left foot into the wall and step the right foot out about 4-41/2 feet.  Feet are parallel.  Then turn the right leg out 90 degrees, aligning the front heel to the back arch. Exhale, bending your front knee to 90 degrees.  Keep the front outer ankle, knee and outer hip in line.  Fully stretch the back leg, and press the back thigh back.  You can either rest the front forearm on the thigh or place the front hand on a block or the floor, outside the front foot.
Inhale, pressing the feet into the floor to come up.  Turn the feet back parallel. Come to Tadasana and repeat on other side.

When you feel ready you can take the pose away from the wall.

Benefits:  This pose builds strength in the legs and the arms and helps to increase flexibility in the hips, shoulders and spine.  This pose helps reduce fat around the waistline and hips and is great for the digestive and excretory systems.  The internal organs are toned and massaged.
Cautions:  High blood pressure - look at the floor
Avoid if have migraines, osteoarthritis of the knees, varicose veins, insomnia, depression.
Avoid during menstruation and if have cervical spondylosis look up only briefly in the final pose.

Pamela Nelson


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