
Monday, October 4, 2010

October - Pose of the Month - Utthita Trikonasana

Below is the basic instructions for Utthita Trikonasana - Extended Three Angle Pose.
This is meant to help your home practice.
Please make sure you consult your doctor if you have any health issues.

Tadasana - mountain pose
Begin in Tadasana.  Feet together or slightly apart and parallel.
Press weight evenly into both feet.  Engage the quadricep/thigh mucles by lifting knees up towards hips.
Press the thighs back.  Keep the spine lengthening and the shoulders rolling back and down.  The crown of the head stays parallel to the ceiling and the eyes softly look straight out.


Bend knees and bring fingertips together and then step or jump the feet about 4 feet apart.

Turn the left foot in slightly and the right leg out 90 degrees.  Keep the front heel in line with the back instep and the front knee in line with the hip and second toe.  Keep the thighs of both legs engaged.
Exhale and extend trunk to the right, placing hand on floor or block.
Keep the side body lengthening evenly, back of the head and spine inline and lift the top arm up. Look up.
Keep shoulders stacked.
Press into both feet to come up.  Repeat on other side.

If difficult to reach floor or block and keep side body lengthening evenly press toes into wall and bring elbow to wall in line with shoulder.


Or use a chair.  With a chair make sure the shinbone is in line with the leg of the chair.

According to BKS Iyengar this pose helps to tone the legs and strengthen the knees, ankles and back. 
Can help improve digestion and relieve backache.

Be careful doing this pose if you have high blood pressure, low blood pressure and headaches.

If you have neck issues do not look up but straight ahead or down.

Pamela Nelson


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