
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Intention of Week Five - Balance: Eveness is Harmony

Sankalpa - intention

Set an intention, and see what happens.

All ideas have been taken from B.K.S. Iyengar's book, "Light on Life", 42-47

Equipoise in body, mind and breath.  This balance needs to be found at every level of our body and our being.

Mr. Iyengar says that all of us begin with imbalances, one side that is more active then the other.  He says this more dominant side must be the guru for the inactive side to make it equally active.

"Precision in action comes when the challenge by one side of the body is met by an equal counter-challenge on the other.  This ignites the light of knowledge."

This knowledge or intelligence of the body must help us to find that lightness and relaxation in every pose.  If balance is kept by strength alone we are only using physical action.

To help gain this balance Mr. Iyengar says that one needs a firm foundation. Always watch your base and correct a pose first from the root.  This balance on the mat will help to balance your life off the mat too.  B.K.S. tells us that balance in the body is the foundation for balance in life.  No matter what position one is in, or in whatever condition in life one is placed, one must find balance. 

This balance keeps you in the present!


Pamela Nelson

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