
Monday, September 20, 2010

Yoga Etiquette and Frequently Asked Questions

Although yoga is all about opening up, letting go and having some fun, there is a few things to consider when coming to class.

-turn off your cell phones..or at least have the ringer off.
-arrive a few minutes early to set up, change, etc.
-if you do happen to come late please wait outside the studio until the beginning meditation is done.
-if you need to leave early please leave before the savasana, final relaxation pose
-please don't chew gum during class
-please don't wear strong scents to class


Also good to know:

Eating – yoga asana should be done on an empty stomach.  One should wait four hours to practice if have eaten a large meal.
Clothing – One should wear fairly loose clothing so that there is no restriction to movement, blood flow or the breath.

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